Thursday, August 14, 2008

Doing for Others Thursday

This week, I'm doing something that I LOVE to do. Every year, I help out at our high school's nighttime marching band rehearsals. The kids rehearse for about three hours a few nights before school starts. I go and help kids with marching styles, being on count, etc. It's sooooo fun and lets me enjoy something I used to enjoy doing so much as a kid.

Find out what you can do to help out at the high school in your area. I know time is precious, but teens today need A LOT MORE positive adults in their life. I bet a reading teacher would love to have you work one-on-one with a student or a math teacher would help setting up interactive bulletin boards, etc. You will probably have to pass a background check, but it is no big deal and think of how much fun you could have!


Dorian said...

Another thing we have in common..the love of high school marching!!! I LOVED the marching bad when I was in high school. It is my absolute favorite memory!!!

My 'doing for others'...getting our school library ready for the new school year. We have a whole bunch of new books that need to be cataloged. I can't wait!!!

groovyteach said...

Oh yes I just LOOOOVE marching band.

Good for you for helping out in the library!