Sunday, June 22, 2008

Language Acquistion

I'm working on my reading endorsement in the state of Iowa, so that I can teach high school reading classes as well as language arts/English. Did I want to do this? Nope. But I have to in order to keep my job so ya do what ya gotta do. (I don't think they'd actually fire me, but it's just easier to do what they tell ya to do sometimes). The first three classes I had to take were okay. They could actually relate to me as a high school teacher. Then there was this language acquisition class. Man did I dread it. I put if off until last.

Someone was watching out for me, though. I started these courses before my daughter was diagnosed with autism, so when I was choosing to put it off--I had no idea that I would be taking the class right when my daughter would be learning language. She's three now--two years ago when I started this endorsement, I had no idea that her language would be delayed. Now I'm taking the class at a time when I might actually learn something to help my daughter.

If any of you are teachers, you know that you have to take a lot of classes and a lot of workshops that are (how do I say delicately?) CRAP. I always try to go in with an open mind and just take from each of them what I can that relates to me and my classroom. So the idea of actually being able to use something to help my own child? That's VERY unusual!

So class starts tomorrow (Monday) which is why I'm posting tonight. Hopefully I'll learn something new and useful. Don't think about the fact that I'm totally not prepared, as I spent today chasing daughter at grandma's house in and out of the baby pool for two hours as hubby and grandparents cleaned out the gutters. I even forgot to pick up a notebook when I was at Wal-Mart today :)

Parents of children with autism...tell me how communication and language is going/has gone for your child. I'd love to share stories and find out what is helping our kids.


Dorian said...

I'm sure I'll think of others, but here's a couple that worked with Marcus. We said words to him ALL the time. We described everything we saw, cows, corn (of course), trees, birds, pillow etc. We also made sure he was making eye contact with us as much as possible. This especially came into play when we were asking him to do things, like sit down. I'd say, "Marcus, look at me." I'd make sure I had his attention this way, it really made difference.

Have a great time in this class. I can't wait to hear how it goes.

Anonymous said...

With Chris we found thins he liked and went from there. Speech wasnt introduced formerly until he entered school this past school year(had issues with his diagnosis)... its baby steps is all I can say

groovyteach said...

Thanks for the tips! The eye contact is an important one. (We actually learned about it in my class today).

Pass this on to others who are in our situation--I bet we can learn a lot from one another!