This is a brand new, factory sealed copy of the movie The Freedom Writers starring Hilary Swank. All you have to do is tell me about a teacher who inspired you. As a teacher, I just LOVE to hear these stories! Let's have 'em! For a second chance, let me know you mentioned this giveaway on your blog and you'll have another entry.
I'll choose someone at random at the end of the day on Friday. Winner will be announced on Monday.
I'll choose someone at random at the end of the day on Friday. Winner will be announced on Monday.
Ooh, I loved that movie!!!
As for a teacher that inspired me...I don't think I realized how much he inspired me until I had a child with disabilities. My band director had 2 artificial hips. He managed to direct both the concert bands and the marching band. He walked around on the football field with us, made the trek from buses to football fields at competitions, listened to us whine about how our feet hurt after 3 hours of practice. He was unbelievably understanding, just kept 'marching' right along with us. :)
My violin is my inspiration. Two years ago I got tendinitis and could not play my violin. My teacher was SO understanding! Finally when I stared playing again I got really discourage. She was SO encouraging and kept on believing in me even when I didn't. Thanks to her I am still playing violin!
Mr. Brummond! My HS choir director! Always looking on the bright side and past anyone's faults!
I loved this movie! My hubby just got his first teaching job and this movie makes me think of him and all he has already done for kids while working for our local public schools and now that he is a full time teacher I know he will do much more. I think it's so cute when kids run up to us to tell my husband hi.
I had a chemistry teacher by the name of Mr Frank. He was tough but only wanted the best from his students. He used to give pop quizzes (which I hated) but the one thing is that he was always fair. He presented the material in multiple ways and was always available for assisting after class. I remember him saying that he felt very strongly about preparing us for university...and that is exactly what he did. I could have skipped the first half year of university chemistry because he had covered it all!
owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net
My Grade 6 teacher inspired me. I was a mediocre student until I went into her class. I wanted to do anything to please her and worked really hard. From that point on, I always wanted to be a teacher just like her. I went to college, got a 6th Grade class of my own, and even decorated it with things that she had done in her classroom. Everything came full circle, when I ended up in a completely different city, found out she was teaching RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET FROM WHERE I LIVED! and went over to visit her. I was newly married and not working, so I ended up volunteering in her classroom, which resulted in me getting a position in that school, until just before my baby was born. I was in touch with her up until a few years ago, though I could likely track her down again quite easily.
michelle at northofthe49 dot com
My 5th grade Writing teacher was a really great motivator and made me feel good about my writing. I am a teacher as well, and at a conference a couple of years ago, I ran into her!! What a small world. It was wonderful to tell her what an inspiration she had been to me. Thanks!
I became a teacher because of my high school health teacher. She really made an impact of who I became as an adult and what kind of teacher I am today.
Thanks for the giveaway.
This is a great movie.
My English teacher inspired me in 9th grade. She is a ruthless but what motivated me is her background. She used to be a street kid that smoked and skipped school almost everyday. But eventually she realized that her life would go down the drain so she forced herself to put her life back in order.
She worked hard near the end of her school years and went into teacher college. She is in love with Shakespeare. =)
And I add your giveaway to my LJ: http://bishiesruleme.livejournal.com/5064.html
I'd love to have a copy of this movie! I teach first grade, and have been inspired by many of my teachers. One that comes to mind is my 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Sandt, who thought that I could perform better than I was at the time. And of course, she was right! I was very honored when she attended my wedding 10 years ago!
Until I got to college, I thought I was no good at math, and then I had a calculus professor who helped me prove myself wrong. I ended up minoring in math!
urchiken at gmail dot com
My 5th grade teacher, Ms. Benton. She was amazing and one of the reasons I became a teacher!
This is a great movie! hmm, teachers that inspired me...I can think of several. I think one that really helped me break out of the normal and explore my artistic side was my 5th grade teacher Mrs. Adams. We did plays, and lots of artwork, and instead of trying to keep me with the rest of the class in math, she had me go at my own speed so I didn't get bored. It helped me realize more of who I am.
My youngest daughter, who is 17 today, just loves this movie! She would be thrilled to itsy bitsy pieces if I were to give this to her!
Great giveaway, thanks.
My high school English teacher inspired me to be a good writer.
I had a lot of great teachers that inspired me, all English teachers. My fifth grade teacher was a novelist and took time to tutor me herself, for free, at lunch and after school because she thought I had potential. My 11th grade teacher took me and a few of his other promising students to meet famous writers and encouraged us to write and submit our work. And my 12th grade teacher sat with me every lunch period of her own accord and taught me how to write a succint, powerful essay in 20 minutes or less.
And here I am today, with a freaking blog. LOL!
My 5th grade teacher was awesome, he made learning fun & that really helped. We didnt' have a stressful environment which a lot of teachers create.
I had two teachers in high school (it was residential, by the way) who would take me to orchestra concerts since I had to give up the violin when I went to school there. They were absolutely wonderful!
I heard this is a great movie, but I haven't seen it yet.
I had a lot of inspiring teachers when I was growing up, so I guess I was lucky. I'd say Mr. Schiebel was an inspiration, because he loved his job and he knew how to make learning fun! I just ran into him not too long ago, and he told me that I made him feel old. Ha! I was in his class in 1991-2
Nandan Prabhu...he taught us tot hink outside the book!
I had so many great teachers. My 3rd grade teacher really took the time to get to know us so that she could teach us better on an individual basis. My band director was just awesome--he expected you to work hard, but rewarded you for it. My senior year english teacher was just fun!
i heart mrs. christensen, my 4th grade teacher. she was so full of love and life and she LOVED being a teacher and we all LOVED her!
My teacher in the sixth grade Mr. Devore was such a wonderful teacher. I am 46 years old and still remember him fondly.
I had many many wonderful teachers. I loved Mrs. Farmer from 4th grade. She didn't mind that we made up a song about her brown coat that she always wore. I was so sad to hear that she had died a while back. And my high school drama coach. He was awesome.
In geometry in high school, I was failing. I blamed the teacher but she of course blamed me. When she would finally let me transfer from her class to another teacher's class, I overheard her tell the teacher I was a failure and wouldn't do well. I got an A in the new teacher's class and was really inspired by what an amazing teacher she was. She even went back to the old teacher and mentioned it.
Mrs Lewis she was very helpful when I was going through the awkward teen growth spurt, I could talk to her for hours. Thank for the giveaway
I took advanced English in highschool and had the same teacher twice in 4 years. She was really a challenge but in a good way. I felt like I was really sharpening my mind. It wasn't easy to get good grades in her class...you really had to EARN it! I still love reading literature, and I have her to thank for that. She really created an achedemic atmosphere in a public highschool. we felt like we were at Harvard or something.
onlycancan at hotmail dot com
I was really shy in junior high and never volunteered in class until I had Mr Miller as my teacher. He always treated me with such respect. He made me feel like my opinions were valued and I always felt really confident in his classes. He also signed my yearbook with "Still waters run deep" which has always made me smile.
i had a teacher in grade 2 who had cancer but she never told anyone. despite her condition, she continued to teacher because it is what she loved to do. i will never forget her and her love for her students. i was blessed to have been taught by her.
fertawert AT yahoo DOT com
I had a college professor who enjoyed my writing and encouraged my to take a Creative Writing Class which I never thought I was talented enough to do. He helped guide me to a few resources and now I am trying to begin freelancing!
kpuleski at gmail dot com
My very favorite teacher was Miss Holkisvig (we all called her Miss Lori) in 3rd grade. She was so encouraging- I attribute my love of reading to her and think that it is my love of reading that has helped me in so many areas in life. Thanks to her example I am now working hard to install a love of reading in my own son. Thanks so much for the great giveaway!
My most inspiring teacher was Mrs. Ontko. She taught me second grade & then she tutored me & let me shadow her all through High School in my teaching classes. A lot of the things I do in the classroom I do because of her! I still keep in touch with her & my first grade teacher! They even attended my wedding! I teach 5th grade now & I will ALWAYS remember what I learend from Mrs. Ontko.
My fav. teacher was my 10th grade Biology teacher. I was having a hard time with a relationship I was in with a abusive guy and she was not only my teacher but a great friend and showed that I was a better person and listened to me.
I was most inspired by the teachers I worked with my first year of teaching. They were amazing and taught me so much more than the four years of college. I am now starting my fourth year of teaching.
Thank you for hosting this giveaway.
tiffanyannrosson at yahoo dot com
I had a teacher in grade school who helpd me alot, not with school work but with my self esteem. I didn't have much and she helped me w/o others knowing and make fun of me. Her name was Mrs. Barbarro. :)
Thank You,
A creative writing teacher in college that encouraged me to go on to get my masters. He beleived in me, which made me believe in myself :)
My fourth grade teacher inspired me.
She showed me that I could learn math when I was having a hard time with it.
I was blanking out on it and she helped me to learn and my grades improved.
I was the kid that got made fun of all the time in grade school. My six grade teacher would not stand for it in her classroom. Other teachers I'd had in the past knew that the other kids taunted me (though that would be an understatement), and did nothing about it. At times they may have even been encouraging. Miss Yoon showed me that she was willing to not only stand up for me to the other kids, but also that she knew it was important for us to learn what she had to teach, that school wasn't a waste of her or our time.
I loved this movie, by the way.
Dr. Browne is the reason that I'm a children's librarian today. He really inspired love of reading, and I wanted to pass that on in my life!
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